Environmental geophysics
Geophysics' applications in environmental domain are related to site assessment, mainly of areas that have been intensely or lengthy exposed to pollutants.
Interactions between environmental factors and pollutants produce changes or some physico-chemical parameters easily revealed by direct or indirect probing with geophysical methods. The presence of the ionic compounds increase the electrical conductivity of the terrains, so electrical and electromagnetic methods can produce reliable results of investigation. In case of waste deposits, also refraction seismic, radiometry, MASW, magnetic measurements can be used in particular conditions.
Geomathics One is experienced to perform investigations related to:
Historical or accidental contaminated sites :
Geological, geophysical, hydro-geological complex investigations
Geological sampling and data interpretation
Site assessment and conceptual model elaboration
Complex investigation of waste deposits
Complex geological, geophysical and hydro-geological investigation for deposits' assessment; sampling and contamination model
Evaluate impermeability of the cover layer
Inspection of the protection dams
Periodical measurements on pollutants dispersion in porous-permeable terrains
Real time measurements on pollutants dispersion
Mechanism and transmission paths of the pollutants –conceptual model
Assessing health risks of indoor and outdoor pollution (RBCA, tier 1-2).
Evaluation of exposure zones, paths and receptors.
Air dispersion of polutants - AIRMOD VIEW/CALPUFF